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Case e Giardini Estate Agency in Viareggio

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We find your home in Viareggio and Versilia

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Large availability real estate in Viareggio and Versilia

1.600.000 €

995.000 €

790.000 €

495.000 €

425.000 €

565.000 €

1.150.000 €
Country houses for sale in Versilia

Rustics, Country Houses and Luxury Properties in Versilia

See our catalog

case e giardini - estate agency in viareggio

Whether you are looking for a house for your family, a one-roomed flat for your life as a single person, a prestigious villa, an attic overlooking the sea or a farmhouse surrounded by nature, our area makes this possible.

Viareggio, Lido di Camaiore and, broadly speaking, the whole of Versilia, represent the most varied part of Tuscany in terms of offer and kinds of estates as well as a positively high quality of life.

Long walks while admiring the stunning Liberty-style buildings, a jog along the marvellous beaches at sunset, waiting on the pier for the fishing boats to come back at dawn or staying up till late in one of the many pubs and restaurants of the coast.

Or if you prefer, you can stroll around and get lost in the many lanes of Camaiore and Pietrasanta, surrounded by art which Michelangelo, Mitoraj and Botero loved so much.

The choice is yours to make: all we care about is finding the perfect estate, for sale or to let, which will make your stay – whether for a few weekends or for life – an all-round relaxing experience.

We are located at No. 52 in Via Leonardo da Vinci, a hundred metres from the seaside promenade. Call in for a visit!